Studio Tour 

Andrea Broyles

8 photo(s) Updated on: 18 Sep 2021
  • Athena’s Crossing , 42x15x30, clay, bronze with acrylic paint
  • Babylon, 48x12x10 clay, acrylic, oil paint
  • Blue Torso, 30x14x12 clay, acrylic paint.
  • Eidolon, 45x15x14, clay with India ink
  • Esperanza, 45x24x22, clay with acrylic paint
  • Torso with Key, 32x22x12, clay with acrylic paint
  • She Buddha, 28x28x28, clay with porcelain slip and nails.
  • Hecate, 36x24x12, clay with acrylic antlers and paint.

Click image above to see larger view.


These pieces were created in the familiar vein of narrative figuration that I have been working with for some time. I create regal characters on journeys but from what to where and why are the questions. I envision them on a infinite spiritual quest where the answers are always on the horizon and just out of reach.

I build them in sections – usually about 24 to 30 inches so that they can be fired and then moved. With this stacking technique I can go as high as I need to. I sometimes use a porcelain slip as a final surface or I paint them with acrylic or oil paint and then permanently seal them with a two part product. This way they can be indoor or outdoor.

The figures are in transition – from dreaming to waking, from becoming to being, from dying to living and back again. The media is also transitory, from two dimensions to three, from classical forms to modern dilemmas. The figures appear, present themselves in their most private, intimate essential selves and then disappear, as if back into a dream.

Contact Information

email:  andreabroyles63@gmail.com

My work is represented by AnArte, San Antonio


Instagram: @studiobroyles

Search:  ceramic, figurative, contemporary, hand built, mythical, coil construction, expressive, goddess, mystical, spiritual, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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