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We are here to be of service to our membership and to the clay community.

NMPCA is a 501c3 organization. 

Our Mailing Address:  PO Box 26811, Albuquerque, NM 87125

We have many events and opportunities throughout the year. If you have any questions, comments or want to be part of a committee, contact our webmaster and they will direct your message to the correct board member.

Current Board

President  Michael Thornton 

Vice President  Sheila Miller 

Secretary Cirrelda Snider-Bryan

Treasurer Cate McClain

Board Member  Serit Kotowski

Board Member  Leonard Baca

Board Member  Jenna Ritter

Board Member  Lois Olcott Price

Board Member  Jorge Luis Bernal

Board Member  Robert King 

Committees  Contact 

Armstrong Grant Serit deLopaz Kotowski

Celebration of Clay Cirrelda Snider-Bryan

Clay Studio Tour Lois Olcott Price 

Enews Leonard Baca

The Slip Trail Cirrelda Snider-Bryan

Membership Jenna Ritter 

Nomination to board Michael Thornton

Clay Connections Sheila Miller 

Scholarship Cirrelda Snider-Bryan

Sunport Ceramics Showcase Charlotte Ownby

Website  Leonard Baca

Workshops Michael Thornton

We call ourselves the NMPCA!

Since 1974

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