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Celebration of Clay 2025

Celebration of Clay 2025

The Celebration of Clay committee and the Board of NMPCA

would like to announce that the exhibition will be at the Light Art Space, Silver City, NM.

  We are working with the gallery to get a contract in place.

Get ready for Celebration of Clay 2025:

Of Mind and Matter April 4-26

As the year winds down, we look ahead to annual events in the new year. It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2025 Celebration of Clay, “Of Mind and Matter”  to be held at the Light Art Space in Silver City from April 4-26th. 

  • Registration: January 15 - February 15th. 
  • Registration information will be posted to website soon. 

The Light Art Space hosts the Clay Festival’s annual show which taps the regional community of clay artists there. The Celebration of Clay committee is grateful to Karen Hymer, owner of Light Art Space. South Broadway Cultural Center Gallery in Albuquerque has offered us exhibit space as well, but postponed until 2026 because their floor needs renovation this spring. 

Involving members in the southern part of the state has been discussed at recent board meetings. Earlier this year, board members Lois Price and Jenna Ritter made contact with Karen, as board member Jorge Bernal and Jenna both participated in this year's Clay Festival.  

Tour of the Gila, annual bike race, will occur at the end of the show, bringing foot traffic during the last week. 

We look forward to celebrating clay expression in this vibrant community!

Consider your “matter” — your clay body, glaze chemicals, tools, kilns and the process of firing itself.  What about considering those well used tools as receptacles of memory? And the chemicals and clays? What a privilege it is to craft such a personal relationship with what are basically the elements of the cosmos and provide us with infinite possibilities. How does the mind bend with these objects and processes? Consider these ideas to reflect on your work. Take a step back to view how you interact with clay.

As we join again yet another year with our fresh oeuvres to show, let us consider our practice in terms of the materials and tools we use and how they affect what we make.  We will choose a piece to share with our wider community that considers the ways matter influences mind and what we create.

We call ourselves the NMPCA!

Since 1974

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