NMPCA has two venues for communicating with members, The Slip Trail (viewable to the public) and eNews, a mostly weekly email newsletter (members only).
Historically, The Slip Trail has been a resource for publishing longer articles, and the current version is an online blog. The Slip Trail is also interactive allowing members and public to comment. Member must be logged in to the website to be able to make a comment. The blue box with 3 dots will access you to the comments when you click on it.
Submissions to The Slip Trail:
The Slip Trail is an online blog.
Typically, submitted articles are a few paragraphs or more about anything of interest to clay artists on a wide-range of subjects, including workshop and internship experiences, how to pack your work, and studio techniques.
- Please keep in mind that The Slip Trail is viewable to the public and a submitted article will be read, edited, and a copy sent back to you before publishing.
- When using Microsoft Word or Mac Pages, do not embed photos in the document but rather send as a separate attachment (jpg format is best). If a PDF document is used, it will be shown as a link and not in the article.
- Submitting images with the article is encouraged to make the article more interesting. Two or three small images can be included in the article. Additionally, we need one vertical image that will be used as the home page thumbnail to visually sum-up the article. The thumbnail image, made into a square shape, will show on The Slip Trail home page and can be clicked on to bring up the article. Images should be no larger than 200k bytes each. A good guideline is to make sure the image is no larger than 800 pixels in either direction.
- There cannot be attachments to articles. If you want readers to have access to a document, provide a website link. (If you do not have a website link and need to provide a document, create the document as a PDF file and it will be shown as a link.)
- “Meet the Members” is a section in The Slip Trail for getting to know our membership and their work. We randomly select a member to submit a short biography and a photo to go with the article. The photo will be made into a square for the home page thumbnail, and will be used inside the article as well.
For more information, please contact The Slip Trail Editor at sliptrail@nmpotters.org
Guidelines for eNews:
Items about upcoming events in ceramic arts or NMPCA activities can be included in eNews. eNews is generally published on Tuesday or as needed. In order to insure timely sending of your message, please follow these simple guidelines:
Members please send your message via email to the eNews editor, enews@nmpotters.org, at least 2 days before the required publication date.
- Format your message the way it should be sent to the members. Designate the message content with lines or indicate Start Message and End Message. Send your message as text in the email message. Please be sure to include your name, location and contact information.
- Images can make your message more interesting to the recipients. One or two small images can be included in the message. Attach the image to the email as jpg files. They should be no larger than 200k bytes each. A good guideline is to make sure the image is no larger than 800 pixels on the longest side.
- If you want the recipients to have access to a document, such as a show application or longer pdf, provide a link in your message text where they can click to pick up the document on your website.
For more information contact the eNews editor at: enews@nmpotters.org