NMPCA ClayStudio Tour | Christine L Evans |
First test: Album Display |
Artist Statement
“I seek to convey the beauty of humanity’s emotional response to life through my work. Sculpting the human figure allows me to express particular qualities of feeling in very direct ways. People are adept at reading faces for emotional content and my sculptures are part of that conversation.
"When I work on a face, I experience a strong attachment to it as it comes into being. I fall in love with the process of teasing out features, a dab of clay at a time. This happens every time, with each face I create. This passion for the sculpting process drives my practice and lays the foundation for endless possibilities.”
Contact Information
Search: all artists, albuquerque & area, all artists, fantasy, figurative, handbuilt, mid range, sculptural, tile, art tile, bas-relief tiles, bust, emotive, face, figure, healing, mask, mystical, nature-inspired forms, oxidation fired, spiritual, teacher, texture, tile