Studio Tour 

Michelle Arterburn

First test:  Album Display

8 photo(s) Updated on: 20 Dec 2023
  • Porcelain Leaf Necklace with hand-blown glass beads and sterling silver findings. 18" long
  • Industrial Filigree Mugs - Porcelain, Hand-built. 3"h x 4"w
  • . Industrial Filigree Lidded Jar - Porcelain, Hand-built Jar with antique clock gear knob. 8"h x 6"w
  • Industrial Filigree Lidded Jar - Porcelain, Hand-built. 10"h x 7"w x 5"d
  • . Industrial Filigree Vase - Porcelain, Hand-built. 6"h x 4"w
  • Porcelain tiles within an oak & pecan wood frame. 18"h x 8"w
  • Custom Tile clock - handmade tiles within maple and oak wood casing.
  • Beaded Bracelet with porcelain button closure

Artist Statement

Michelle Arterburn, Las Cruces, New Mexico.  Michelle works in clay and other media as well, incorporating metal, wood, and found objects into her creations. I have always been fascinated with the intellectual challenge attendant to the “technical”, while at the same time, I was equally taken with the artistic side of projects. By focusing on both the complex and the aesthetic aspects, my satisfaction with the results increasingly depended on how successful I considered my efforts to have been in bringing together these aspects. Some may not see the relationship, but I recognize the contrasts and embrace the dichotomies. This may explain my desire to work in various artistic mediums; stoneware/porcelain clay, realism watercolor painting and hand-weaving. Often trading time between these mediums within a given year.

My work reflects who I am. I care about attention to detail and the nostalgic. I adore texture and pattern, weathered metal/brick, antique buttons and wax seals. I am especially drawn to the subjects of architecture, fish and vintage automobiles. I also draw inspiration from my time spent at home in New Mexico and the southern San Juan mountains of Colorado.

Most importantly, I am interested in integrating these elements, inspirations, subjects and surface into my work using various media and techniques.

I am fortunate to do what I love in a full-time manner, every single day.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:  105 Pecan Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Website: www.michellearterburn.com

Email: marterburnstudio@gmail.com

My work can be seen at my Etsy Store: www.etsy.com/shop/MArterburnStudio

You can also find my work in Southern Colorado at The Sangre de Cristo Arts Center; Three Peaks Boutique, Pueblo, CO


Porcelain, Hand-built Pottery, Handmade Porcelain Jewelry, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Industrial Age, Ceramic Jewelry, Handmade Tiles, Handmade Ceramic Tiles, Arts and Crafts Style, Mission Style, Tequila Cups, Tapas Plates, Handmade Custom Clocks, Handmade Tile Clocks

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