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Celebration of Clay 2023

Inhabited Earth

Hotel Chaco, 2000 Bellamah Ave NW 

Albuquerque  New Mexico 

Exhibit was from October 6  to November 19, 2023


People's Choice Award - Hebe Garcia, Viajeros

The awards given are as follows:

Best in Show goes to Luisa Baldinger for her double walled vessel.

Merit Award went to Judy Nelson-Moore for her Basket of Thoughts.

Merit Award went to Brianna Rickson for her brown and gold platter.

Merit Award went to Greta Ruis for her twisting sculpture.

Arita Porcelain Award went to Richard Orlando for his red and white tea set.

Coyote Clay Color Award went to Andrea Hegeman for her red vase.

Below  are the works created by our Artists for the exhibition.  Click a thumbnail for larger image and description.

all measurements are in inches, height, width, depth 

<< All album photos 50/65 photos
Jessica Rodriguez, Cuna Jar, 4” x 4” x 3”, Hand thrown hard-paste/ True Porcelain, Arita Porcelain Process, $850

To purchase works from this show, you can do so by contacting Gallery Hózhó, or send an email to Gallery.  

Sixteen pieces sold during the show, other works are still available by contacting the artist send an email to webmaster.  

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Questions contact the Committee 

Celebration of Clay 2023

Inhabited Earth 

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Since 1974

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