Bill Armstrong Grant
The New Mexico Potters and Clay Artists has established an annual grant program in memory of our late distinguished founding member, Bill Armstrong.
Bill was instrumental in teaching many people about pottery and was always interested in experimenting, learning more, and helping others.
In this spirit, NMPCA awards annual grants to assist with ceramics education programs or ceramic art projects. (more on Bill)
Proposals for awards up to $2000 will considered. Awards are subject to approval by the Board, based upon specific needs and merit.
Use of funds:
Funds may be used for purchasing supplies or equipment, contracting with a visiting artist, marketing/publicizing a special program or project, or other activities directly related to ceramic art education.
501(c)3 organizations and educational institutions located in New Mexico are eligible to apply.
Proposal Procedure:
Submit a proposal with the following information:
- Applicant’s name, address, phone, email
- A description of the project or program, including dates, location, budget, etc.
- A description of who will benefit from this project/program and what are the anticipated outcomes.
- A description of the organization applying for the grant
- Specify exactly how the funds will be used and, if the cost is more than requested, identify the other funding sources
- Provide a simple income/expense statement for the project/program
- Copy of IRS designation letter (if applicant is 501(c)3 organization)
Proposals should either be prepared on 8.5x11 paper or as an electronic document. Be sure to include other supporting materials such as photographs, brochures, newsletters, etc.
After the grant is awarded, the recipient organization is expected to:
- Provide documentation to show funds were used as described in the proposal
- Provide pictures for website and publicity purposes
- Give funding credit to NMPCA in newsletter, press release, website or other forms of communication
Deadline for receipt of proposals is August 31, 2025.
Proposals should be mailed to:
NMPCA Armstrong Grant
PO Box 26811
Albuquerque, NM 87125
Or emailed to:
Questions: Contact Serit deLopaz Kotowski,
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2025 Bill Armstrong Grant Proposal
Deadline: August 31, 2025
First, register on the Grant Event to signal your interest.
(click here)
Then send the full proposal by August 31, 2025.
Awards are made in the Fall.
- Thrive Community School, Santa Fe - support for materials, tools and exhibitions of student ceramics
- Art Smart New Mexico, Santa Fe - support for artist residency and permanent installation at Sweeny Elementary School
- Cottonwood Valley School, Socorro, NM - Grant for purchasing Slab roller for Ceramic classes.
- A Child's Garden Preschool, Albuquerque - Support for Bosque Bark Ceramic Project
- Holy Ghost Catholic School - Stipend for authentic Pueblo Pottery lessons
- Aztec High School, Aztec, NM - Support for purchasing clay and display case for Art program
- Agave Artists Coop and Potters Guild of Las Cruces - Grant for support of community based Healing Wings Project.
- Taos Ceramics Center - Grant for building a kiln shelter.
- Potters Guild of Las Cruces - Grant for educational lectures after a trip to China
- Santa Fe Desert Academy - Grant for a kiln sitter.
- El Rito Arts Association - Grant for presentation of a workshop at the El Rito campus of Northern New Mexico College.
- The New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation, Grant for tools to be used in classes in Clay Science at the museum.
- Apprenticeships for Leaders in the Mosaic Arts – ALMA. Grant to augment funds for their mural arts program.
- Manzano Mountain Art Council: Grant to purchase new wheel and offer wheel classes
- Santa Fe Community College: Grant to assist in building new soda kiln.
- Adelante - Grant to provide clay, tools and glazes.
- Dixon Elementary School: Grant for a micaceous clay workshop.
- Silver City Clay Festival: Grant to assist with preparation and staffing assistance for the Jack Troy workshop, one of the major events of the annual clay festival.
- The Q-Staff Theatre in downtown Albuquerque. Grant for the materials, tools and firings needed to hold a workshop in making clay drums to be used in various theatrical performances.
- The Turquoise Trail Charter School (on North 14, south of Santa Fe). A Grant for the fabrication and installation of a mural in an outdoor courtyard.
- The Atrisco Heritage Academy High School in South Valley of Albuquerque - Grant for purchase of glazes for their ceramics program.
Details and pictures of awards.
