Re-printing of Lia Lynn Rosen’s message to NM Potters and Clay Artists, December 2013. Published in the January 2014 NMPCA Slip Trail.
Lia Lynn Rosen was a clay artist, teacher, beloved community member and more --- and a member of NMPCA for many years. On October 2, 2022 she passed away from ovarian cancer. Maybe you knew Lia, as she was the most generous sort, as you can see from this message she shared with the whole NMPCA community. Re-published to celebrate both the spirit of a wonderful member of our clay community here in New Mexico as well as the spirit of the season. Please consider adding a comment, a memory would be great. -Cirrelda S.B., ed.
These NMPCA folks shared their memories of Lia:
"It was sad to hear about Lia, I met her and her partner at one of the annual meetings and we connected again at the Ghost Ranch workshop with Sheryl Zacharia, we exchanged pieces. I would get her emails all the time about life." - Leonard Baca
"Yes, Lia was a member of NMPCA for many years and attended some Ghost Ranch events, annual meetings…So sad to hear of her passing." - Judy Nelson-Moore
"I knew Lia well. She lived in NM many years. Her focus in pottery was a fusion of Southwest Native art with Judaica. She was a peacemaker." - Michael Thornton

January 2014 Slip Trail
I understand that when solstice-time comes, the sun "stands still", or actually, the tilt of our Great Planet pauses just a bit before beginning its "turning back", causing our longer days, once again.
I like thinking of this awesome pause; and feel we all need this time of rest and solstice or standing still, to see and to thank, in whatever ways we each do that.
And so I share with you here, from two of my favorite writers, below; and some images of this magical time, depicted on ancient rock art of the Southwest; a piece of mine that speaks to this Winter time; and a recent great snow storm here that left a blessing of WHITE to bring in what for many, is another time of new beginnings.
With gratitude, and all the best to you, Lia
Tillie Olsen: Dream-Vision; Mother to Daughter, Daughter to Mother
"Perhaps, in her last consciousness, she did know that the year was drawing
towards that solstice time of the shortest light,
the longest dark, the cruelest cold, when-as she had explained to us as children -
poorly sheltered ancient people in northern climes
had summoned their resources to make out of song, light, and food, expressions of human love-
festivals of courage, hope, warmth, belief." ____________________________________________
Mary Oliver: Poem of the One World
This morning
the beautiful white heron
was floating along above the water
and then into the sky of this
the one world
we all belong to
where everything
sooner or later
is a part of everything else
which thought made me feel
for a little while
quite beautiful myself. __________________________________

יוצרת.Lia Lynn Rosen,Yotzeret Ceremonial Arts in Clay and Spirit
Page 7 January 2014 NMPCA Slip Trail